Royce Grey 'Team VALEO' Mondello 1992 Archive Welcome to the 2CV racing Archive. Over the coming year we are planning to create a comprehensive history of 2CV racing in the UK. This archive will have every 2CV race result since 1989, including the old southern series and a full history of the legendary Mondello 24 hour race. To achive this we will need the help of everyone past and present who has been involved with 2CV racing to supply us with old race results, photos, videos, race reports, technical data on the cars and general trivia. Stories (and pictures) from the bars around the country are also most welcome. Pete Sparrow, Colin Whiteley, and Graham Harper do battle at Pembray in 1989 "Just out of interest, not only are all 3 drivers from the 1989 picture still competing, but at least one of the cars is too! I bought Graham Harpers car (no.26 in photo) at the end of 1989, raced it "down south" and up here in Scotland, eventually painting it red and yellow and naming her "Wee Fiona" after a good friend. I sold her on to Len Douglas in 1995 and he still races her.(and is now for sale). I wonder how many other cars still survive from that first experimental year?" - Neil McDonald
Mondello winners 2002 Richard Dalton/Pete Sparrow/Gary Byatt 6 wins Richard Dalton
*Race ran on intermedate track between 1998 -1999 All Hell breaks loose! at Mallory Park 1997 But who can name all the drivers in this photo? |
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